My Best Friend is
_makemesmileOur 7 common interests are: fate, incubus, journalism, philosophy, pictures, temporaryism, waterWho is your best friend?
Created by
macoto Last night was fun. With plans to see a movie alone, I headed to Sunset. I ended up running into Zeb, Thomas, Dydy, and Amber, among others. We talked at Starbucks for a while. I am Ambers' official footrest. Carlos called me up, stating his presence. We ate shit, him and I, the rest of the night.
It's always fun, hanging with groups of friends, but I find it so much more endearing when hanging with just one friend. We talked of so many things last night. It's preposterous.
Now that more than just a few people know about club, I have to start putting my foot down. People need to fight.
-You come to club, you fight at club.
-No shirts, no shoes.
-Guy on guy, girl on girl. No exceptions.
-No rings, brass knuckles, bats, or weapons of any nature are allowed.
-Don't talk of it excessively. Not only will it become heated as fuck, but people will end up coming to club for the wrong reasons.
-Fights go on as long as they need to. Until a truce is made, one of the fighters goes limp, says stop, or taps out. At this time, the fight must end immediately. We're not trying to kill anyone here.
-One fight at a time.
I love you all.