OMGWTF almost full inboxes!

Dec 15, 2007 20:24

This sinus infection is killing me. Headache everyday, neck-ache everyday, disgusting thick drainage, sore throat (yay for NOT having tonsils!?), and I don't know if it's ANOTHER side effect of the tonsil surgery, but about twice a day I inhale my own saliva accidentally and cough half to death. That plus the sudden halt mid-swallow plus the deeelightful backup into nasal passages whilst drinking makes me so FUCKING glad I had the tonsils removed. Oh yeah, and the feeling of gagging constantly like something is back there. I swear, I need a new ENT because this dude sucks. Like $200 in office visits and medicines and a surgery later and I'm still back at square one!?

I have two weeks to see the dentist, obgyn, ENT AGAAAAIN, and regular doc.

Latest paycheck came with new rate... CHA FUCKING CHING!? It's nearly a thousand more than my last paycheck! But because of the massive overtime (25 hours) I can't tell wtf my regular pay will be like. Of course it's already marked for bills. I do love my credit card, damn me.

Can't keep up with all the effing magazines I ordered. Of course I ordered them BEFORE I got the promo and discovered I'd be reading bullshit for 9 hours of the day at work. And before I got back into stitching.

Both my work crushes are bringing dates to the office party tonight [that I'm not going to because the mere thought of it makes me anxious]. I have my homegirl from work scoping out the dates and getting details. I can accept D. having a girl, whatever, he's hot, he can have a harem of men and women for all I care, but J? That'll hurt. She was surprised at that choice, but I tried to explain (in the midst of cubicle land) that it was surprising to me too but it was more about the person and only half that I think he's cute.

He got asked to participate in a demo at our manager's meeting on Friday, because he's smallish. Then they picked three fat asses to be the conflicting voices yelling in his face (giant waste of a two hour motivational speaker, my left nut could do better). It was sad. I wish they picked some other guy, all of our Mexicans are short, why not them!?

I was glad everyone gave a vocal "YES!" when the speaker asked "So do you all like J?" And I was glad when J. said he was single to the "Married or single?" question, but single is NOT the opposite of married, guy. Dating but not married, serious relationship but not married, about to get engaged but not married. WHO KNOWS.

I hope it's his sister that's his date.

No wait. That's lame. I hope it's... a blind orphan he adopted from Romania. Yeah.

I have had my new year resolutions ready for a month now. And I can fucking DO THEM because if I can move across country by myself for no reason at all, I can fucking do anything.

Except maybe kill people with my brain. But I'm trying.

EDITTTT! I remembered HOW even. So proud.

I'm currently eating a low-salt ham sandwich on nice thick italian bread, lightly warmed in the toaster because it was kept in the fridge, with a nice pile of sour cream and onion Lays potato chips and an icy cold coke. MMMMM.

So the issue with the pipes was our front cement slab was pressing down on a pipe that had some rocks in it and it was more or less blocked and broken. They pulled up our sidewalk in one place (in a solid piece, AWESOME) and fixed some other plumbing issues and put everything back. They moved the outlet pipe thingie forward three feet (away from up against the house) and across the sidewalk, and brought up TWO pipe outlets into our yard. I don't know what for, mom is going to find out. Mowing around those fuckers is going to be rough.

Also, we lost our bushes in front. Yes, my mother has succeeded in denuding the property of all it's original greenery. I asked her if she hated nature or what and she laughed. She does, she really does.

I was worried we'd lose one of our hard-earned trees that have FINALLY gotten big enough not to wrap in the winter. If they'd had to go further, we might have, based on where the gas and water mains are in our yard. But luckily no.

So now mom is planning on getting the front "stoop" done in a big semi-circular pattern and redoing our sidewalk. I think we might get a little foot-high brick wall around the "flower beds" in front, around the "stoop" and down the sidewalk as well. I'd like to make it wide enough to sit on as well as place some planters on, because hello, far easier than planting down in the ground! Better soil, too.

Don't know when that will happen, I'm still mourning Squarehead and Circley (we never did succumb to mom's threats and trim those bushes one way or another, they stayed square and circle!!!). Plus we need money. The digging and pipework will be about $5,000 and that's not including our plumber bill of the two times he was at the house for several hours doing things.

Needless to say, she's not getting us anything for xmas but flushing toilets and a non shit-smelling front yard.

And I'm OK with that.
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