
Sep 17, 2007 22:52

The update for the two who asked: I survived. It was awful. Started out wonderful, surgery was a breeze, got worse as the days went on. Dr. is a fuckup, regret using him for so many reasons, one being he never told me that I'd be off work till the 20th. Not the 17th as I'd planned for and discussed at work. Dipshit. The nurse was shocked when I called in today to ask if I could extend (what I thought was) my STD time because I'm exhausted and weak... "Oh no no no honey, go back to bed, we always give a solid 2 week recovery!" Work was much more sympathetic than I imagined even after a nightmare of a time without me, insisting I see a dr. before coming back and if I need time after that, to take it. Throat still raw, scabs still intact, dialing down from Roxicet to Percocet but I don't see how it will de-addict me, whatevs. Birthday was great, beach was great (except swimming with tons of little dead jellyfish bodies, weird experience), bought five new necklaces that are gorgy. Little disappointing checking online after all this and finding just two email birthday wishes (from people I didn't expect, delightful, thank you!), nothing from people I'd expect, and nothing on LJ from people I'd expect. J. keeps surprising me, as always, doll :) I've got to do some LJ cleanup when I feel better, I don't think some things are working out like I'd like and it's time to just accept, admit and move on.

Time for another dose of drugs, I get incredibly depressed and sob-by when I start to "come down." Who knew you could get so hooked in 10 days!?
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