update numbuh 2

Jul 07, 2005 18:32

this will be a long pointless entry. im bored.

OKAY FIRST OFF. I HAVE NO FLIP FLOPS. i had these nice black roxy ones. and they are magically lost.
i then bought 2 pairs of these black and white ones.. LOST. AND then i bought these amazing sea-foam green roxy ones, left them at Jills, and she told me she burnt them in a fire. suhweet. lmao now i have to wear sneeeeeeeakies.

SECOND OFF. my brother is a douche bag. i go to my dads house. and last night he had friends over. all 5 of them slept in my room. it is now filled with pop cans, dorito bags, skateboard decks? , and all my shit was all over. what the fucking fuck. except i saw this SWEET. gumball machine. so i called my brother and told him i was taking it. and hes like "FUCK YOU I WON THAT AT CHUCKIE CHEESE DONT TOUCH IT ASSHOLE!" lmfao. oh man he makes me laugh. besides the fact he was totally serious. what a dickwad. lmao

hmm so im going to Missys soon. and shes got this huge tent and were gonna set it up and its gonna be funn. ive never slept over a black girls house before.

...lmao kidding.
but okay i have rambled long enough peace yo.
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