Apr 05, 2008 07:18
I announce now proudly I am reborn I am EmberWolfe Son of the gods and of
the goddesses and i seek to do them honor in the ways i best can do so
within my human nature for I believe we are all the faces of deity on this
world we are the weavers we are the world-changers. I now Define who I am I
am a wolf of the embers
Ember=are the glowing, hot coals made of greatly heated wood, coal or
other carbon based material that remain after, or sometimes precede a fire.
Embers can glow very hot, nearly as hot and sometimes as hot as the fire
which created them. They radiate a substantial amount of heat long after
the fire has been extinguished, and if not taken care of properly can
rekindle a fire that is thought to be completely extinguished and can pose
a fire hazard to anyone who is not careful. In order to avoid the danger of
accidentally spreading a fire, many campers pour cold water on the embers
to cool them off.
Wolfe= I am wolf I am man I am the dichotomy between I define myself as
neither Alpha he of the highest nor do I define myself as Omega the lowest
and one with little honor I fall between I walk the path of Beta My Job is
to serve and lead I have the responsibilities of observing and encouraging
growth but not the power to lord over or abuse those who choose to listen
to me I am to back up defend and council the alpha in all I do and remember
it is them that gave me my station The Alpha is Deity and I am its Priest.