another thought of mine...

Aug 03, 2006 16:54

i want...
-to get accepted into Cawthra high school
-to finish piano 'til the end. but i just lack @ it so much.
-to dance for the rest of my life, despite the costs
-people to get accepted into the National Ballet w/o caring about their body structure
-to be on 'So you think you can DANCE', but it's american. i know i have the potential, despite my age.
-to make a new type of candy, we all need somethiing SWEET in this world, not SOUR. now you know why i hate sour things
-to be able to perform all around North America
-to dance for the Toronto Raptors
-my brother to not ruin his dreams
-to donate to the unfortunate
-to compete in a world championship
-to be on a Canada Team
-to show that Filipinos can contribute!
-to know what it feels like to not be nervous before going on stage
-to know how it feels to have no one there for you
-to live in all parts of the world
-to be able to have spare time
-to become a painter. it's creative ;)
-to work in a Community centre
-to go back to January 2006
-to dance in a parade
-to thank everyone who has been apart of my life
-longer legs
-to do something in the medicine education
-to become any type of teacher
-to make my mom proud for me
-everyone else to have the life they want
-our natural resources to not run out
-our species of animals to not get endangered
-to be a host of anything
-to win a Chapter 43 MLDMA award
-to do so much more
-to succeed in life

so i realized i want a lot things to happen. mother and i got into this really big argument, but my mom let me realize, that i am one of the most luckiest kids in the world. &i'd like to thank her for that <3 not every kids receives what my parents have given me. they give me piano lessons; forced me into completing tae kwon do for discipline&strength(those tae kwon do classes were pretty harsh, knowing i was only below 10 at the time); gave me dance lessons from the age of 3, i dont even know how they pay the expenses :| ; let me be on the competitive team and compete; let me choose what clothes to buy, and they buy them; keep me away from experiences that i wouldn't want to experience; pay for my junior lifesaving stuff or however you call it; long story short... they were there for me no matter what. and they still are.
i just don't know how they put up with me, i get mad at them often, yet they still offer to me.
so, i'd just like to be thankful for everything i have, i couldn't ask for more(this can be a thanksgiving entry. LOL). well, actually, i could ask for more, because i want a lot of things to happen. but im still very happy with what i have right now.
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