(no subject)

Mar 04, 2006 15:59

super brother to the rescue ! ?

still siick since monday. and i still went to school ?! wthack? im crazy, i could barely last. but i did =) thanks everyone for the support (y) i heart you all. really. omfg... i look so ugly riight now, im worse than the grudge. well, not that worst =) just a biit better. but seriously, its UGLY! if you want to see, then just come by on the weekend =P. haa, no, i keed.
yesterday was cool. apparently, in the newsletter, it said i was very commited into everything i do. LIES! and i admit it ! but i can't believe i get away with it =) but i got dedication. yup.

saturday today ? did LCBO fundraiser thing. had to stand outside of the store and just collect money to raise money for our dance studio. so much fun ! wasn't too cold. really nice. earned friggen $200 ! OHCHYEASS! in two hours! =P people are really nice these days.... @LCBO =) they give you a lot (y) even $20. its crazyy

thanks colleen for EVERYTHING! your like the bestest ateh ever ! except, you're not flip. so, you're the bestest big sister EVER ! =) although you aren't my sister :S so... you're the best big sister from another mother EVER ! x)

friggen lab, and macbeth writing task essay. *shakes fist rapidly

omfg... showcase in 2 days fother muckers ! so friggen soon. can't waiit bieeatches =) get to miss last half day on monday, NO! don't want to. we usually get lots of homework on monday. blah. screw. so exciting. gonna be so live and know it.
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