I've got a couple of six pence somewhere I think. We've got lots of old coins.
I would have added you on My Space ages ago, but I thought I'd get in trouble with you. Since I only found out about it through stalkerish activities. Added you now, although I never ever check it.
I'm sure my grandmother and mother are collecting them in high hopes that someday my sister, my cousins and I will find wonderful men and marry them. At least, I'd hope so. I'd feel a little put out if they weren't thinking so positively about my future.
Yeah, I don't really know what myspace is for. I just like to collect people I know. That's it.
Oh, don't even start with me about the weirdass guys that email me with hopes that I'll come visit them on a whim or something. Or messages like "Hey, you're really cute. Wanna be friends?" Er...not particularly, thanks. I know where that sort of conversation is going.
Okay, I found the log. I made no sense at all. You shouldn't have started talking about the past though, not when I'm drunk. Do we need to talk about it before we can start afresh though? I don't know. It is a little weird.
I would have added you on My Space ages ago, but I thought I'd get in trouble with you. Since I only found out about it through stalkerish activities. Added you now, although I never ever check it.
Yeah, I don't really know what myspace is for. I just like to collect people I know. That's it.
Eh. I get weirdass girls. I know what you mean.
I spoke to you last night didn't I? I hope I didn't say anything bad. And I left suddenly because I was a gonner.
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