Mar 12, 2009 15:29
I volunteer for Adopt a Soldier, a program that creates "pen pals" for soldiers overseas. And, you can tell them anything, just to keep them updated on the US. Well, my latest pen pal was a woman named Shandita, active duty Army for 3 yrs. She was on her 2nd deployment to Afghanistan. She had a 2 year old, with the same birthday as Lexi. I hadn't heard from her in a few weeks, which is pretty normal...they only get around to their e-mails once in a blue moon. Well, I just got an email this morning titled "Thank you for your support"...and it was from Shandita's mother. She gave me more details of her daughter, she was from Alabama, and planned on going to the national guard when she got back to the US, in May, to be with her daughter. Here is an excerpt she sent me, from her daughter's last letter home. "Everything is okay here, we had a really bad dust storm, I can't remember if it was weeks or days ago. We couldn't see to keep going, so we had to set up camp in an unsafe zone. It breaks my heart when we go through small towns, all the small kids there who have so much potential, and they probably don't even know that their country is at war with ours. Yet, when we pass by, they are always smiling and waving to us, their enemies. I have a new penpal, she is from Montana and she has a daughter too, the same age as Kaela. It's so great that people take the time out to send some support to people they don't even know. Hopefully when I get to go home in May, I can meet some of the people who have kept me sane, always letting me know that soon this will be over, and I will be home with you and Kaela. I'm going to finish this one here, I need to get some rest, we have training tommorrow. I hope I can write again soon. I love you, I love Kaela, hugs and kisses to you both. I will be home in a couple of months! I hope my bed is ready. Love always, Shandi."
Now, THAT makes me sad. She mentioned me in her letter home. :( Anyway, Shandita was killed 2 weeks ago. All I could respond to her mother with, was "I'm so glad I got to email back and forth with her. She was always looking for the positive. I am very sorry to hear of your loss, please feel free to keep in contact with me if you'd like."