(no subject)

Jul 16, 2006 14:12

Soak City rocked!!!! On the way there we were fatties :) Stopped in rest stop and got a few souvineers. mhmmm. It was hot as hell there. SOOOO hot. jason had razor burn on his nipples. lol. Brett didn't bring sandles so his feet were burning. Jay ended up throwing up because he was nervous. We had a blast on the 5 people tube going up the walls. Got some fun keychains there. Lazy river was fun. Jay peed. lmao. Long lines Suck.

WAy home we were all exhausted. and yeah that was our little road trip. :-D I  had a good time.

I'll put some pictures from the way there and stuff in here later on if you wanna see some.

Brett: I hate them they suck

few songs later

Brett: I like this song a lot.
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