Dec 07, 2004 22:21
Auto response from angel x0x ashes: retarded concert..grr
^^ just got home.. from the "retarded concerrt" ..omg.. so boringg.. i sat there talking to lauren and mimi almost the whole time... then leenie got in trouble and had to move to my side.. so0o i moved next to hurr.. and got her in more trouble.. hehe.. OMG leenies dad taped the concert... loll... i cant wait to see that one haa.. anyways.. at the concert.. i was makin fun of tanya cuz she was wearing something that looked kinda like a suit.. ahha and she looked like the playboy bunnie .. it was hillarious! ....after the concert.. me leenie her mom my mom and stephanie went to friendlys.. kathleen drew a picture of me.. hehe it was soo beautiful.. i had the nicest EARS.. LMAO .. i love her so muchh<33 o mann another embarassing moment with her tonight.. (kathleen im never gonna let it go.. just like the couch thing)..
so0o ... i hate mondays.. and im gonna take a shower and go to sleep ..CuZ.. im tired.. oo crap my ice creams melting...gotta go.. ttyl MwAh!! <33 xo0xo laterr