Apr 19, 2008 15:41
I don't like essays and I can't do this university shit.
I don't like university and I can't do this essay shit.
I find university tedious, most of the people pretentious, the amount of reading and expected work to be completed actually impossible, the uni 'lifestyle' intangible and mundance and my queer collective experience, my one hope for escape, confronting and incorrect and blanketing.
I could almost miss newcastle if I thought I could live there again. I would quit if I saw another choice, another option. I would leave if I had something worthwhile to go to. I would run if I knew where to put my feet.
And I would go down the stairs and yell at my neighbour to turn his hideous radio music off if, well, if I just wasn't me.
I D O N T L I K E U N I V E R S I T Y.
& If you do, it's probably cuz you know what you're doing and why you're doing it.