the nervousness is visible

Aug 29, 2009 09:39

I'm on campus and today is freshman move in, and I'm pretty sure I told a gossiper some stuff that, though I'm not particularly worried if she tells it, was just a stupid move on my part. I suppose I just have to give is time to see how its going to go. Oh, and did I mention it looks like a flood is coming too? Yep. Just lovely. That's what I get for school in New England.

All the poor freshman in the rain. And I'm working in Admissions and Student Aid so I'm seeing all the kids who have issues with money. I don't know how they are dealing with it and leaving the nest. I know my first few days where a serious test of my nerves and emotional constitution. I just want to give them all hugs. And how the mom's and dad's are dealing, some of them you know are worried and about to cry and it just makes me think of my family (which I'm espiecally trying not to do today) and then I get homesick. Oh, memories. I should call mom. She'll have a happy voice.

It sounds like no one is very happy with their hours for work. I know I'm asking for 4 more and I got a lot more hours than most people. Maybe 6 if I feel particularly self-depricating. But I really do enjoy where I work. The ladies are awesome, I've made some really great friends, and always get the best gossip alive. lol.

Inkheart was simply wonderful (even with the extensive changes made from the book) and I think I'm going to watch Australia tonight.

weather, work, australia, inkheart

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