I don't remember the last time I updated, but my mom has been gone since February 27th. It's been really nice being able to use my mom's car. She finally came home Monday night so I'll miss that. She never did tell me where she went, and honestly, I don't care.
I got denied to NYU's College of Arts and Science, but they accepted me into their General Studies Program with guaranteed acceptance to the original college I applied to for junior and senior year. But I don't want to do a liberal arts associate's degree so I probably won't do that. On a more positive note, I got an acceptance letter from Fordham on Saturday, and then packets from Binghamton and American University today. So that's four schools down, seven more to go. I don't know where I want to go or even if I want to go to any of the schools I applied to. I'll probably go to the cheapest one and that's it. I decided I want to get the hell off of Long Island, because I hate how everyone knows each other here. I need a change and a place where I can start over.
So let's see... Friday after school I went to the city to meet up with Max. At the Hicksville train station, I saw a bunch of people from my school and it was pretty gay. So Max took me to Vegetarian Paradise 2, and it was pretty yummy. Then we still have a while before I had to meet Brandon so we went to Strand and just hung around there for a while. Then we headed back to Penn Station and I got tickets really quickly and got on the train. I took Brandon to Burger King for dinner, since I knew there was nothing to eat in my house. Then we stayed up all night watching a bunch of movies and it was pretty nice. Priscilla came around 4am from Dom's to crash at my place, so I let her sleep in my mom's room. I had to go to work in the morning and it sucked a lot. I didn't get any sleep and woke up late. After work, I talked to Natalia, and she promised to send me a postcard from her trip to Italy. I came home, showered, fed Brandon bagels, and around 430ish I drove him to the train station to go back to Philly.
At 7:30ish Lauren and Christine came over and we went to Walbaum's to get snacks for the party. Then Priscilla came with that whole posse and the ultimate fiesta at Diana's began. There were a bunch of Dom's friends I didn't know, but sometime later the boiler man, Liz and Dan came, and eventually Dave and Eric showed up. I remember trying to give Kelly directions to my house like thirty times, but she ended up not coming. Will showed up pretty late too. Haha, overall it was a pretty good time. There were about 25 people there, jeez. At one point I kept burning my fingers, and I fell asleep on Doug in Eric's car, then we moved into Will's car, and I remember being locked inside and I really had to throw up so that was fun. I really needed air so I opened the window while we were driving and stuck my head out, and my glasses flew off my head, which was wonderful. I came home and haha I don't know passed out and somehow woke up with Dan in my bed. Lauren was the only one to take any pictures, and her computer's power cable broke so for the time being I don't have any pictures.
After cleaning everything up and showering, Sal came over. Everyone parted ways and we went to Panera. It was soo nice outside. I thought we were going to go back to my house so I didn't bother bringing a sweatshirt, but that makes me an idiot. We drove to Elle's house to pick her up and then another girl and ended up going into the Chinese food place across the street from the pub for two and a half hours. There were a bunch of people and then somehow we went to the ska show at the pub. We saw The Fad play and I don't remember if we saw The Flaming Tsunamis or not, but either way we ended up going outside and people started playing guitar and singing along in the car. I asked Olha to pick me up and we went to the office in Massapequa and did our thing. I was so tired, I passed out in the car. But when I came home, I vacuumed everywhere, finished the laundry, and made sure everything was cleaned up.
Monday, I came home at 2:30pm and went straight to sleep only to wake up at 10 to talk to my dad for ten minutes and then went back to sleep until 7:30am. I heard rumors my mom was supposed to come home Wednesday, but she ended up coming home a little past midnight that night. Yesterday was nice, because I ended up going to Panera with Priscilla, which I've noticed I've been going to often lately. (We saw Marsha there with her grandma last week. I miss her!) And then I hung out with Lauren after she finished all her labs from last semester (Congrats, love). Tomorrow we have a NUT day at school haha, and then no school Friday, so woohoo party tomorrow. This weekend and St. Patrick's should be fun, and then Tuesday is my birthday, so it's going to be good. I can't believe time is flying by so fast.