PSP8 TUTORIAL 04 >> Jessica Alba

Jul 10, 2005 00:38


Okay, I'm gonna present this tutorial to you all, asuming you already know the basics. [Basics as in how to set layer properties and where to go to adjust the brightness/contrasts and things of that nature.]

First step is to find your base. Make sure it's 98x98 or smaller instead of 100x100. I'll be using this one:

First thing we're gonna do is make her skin look porcelain-like. To do that, use the softening tool:

Use the drop arrow and make sure the tool is selected. Then go up to the tool options and make them look like this:

[this whole porcelain skin thing is totally optional by the way. It just makes her skin look better.

Use the tool on her face to get rid of any imperfections. [It comes in handy because it covers wrinkles, pimples, etc.] It's easier if you zoom in really close to see where it needs to be softened. This is what it should look like:

Next, you add the aged newspaper effect. Duplicate the layer, then go to effects>>artistic effects>>aged newspaper. Set it for 10 years, then set the icon to overlay. you should now have this:

Merge layers. Create a raster layer. Next, make a selection around a part of the picture to make borders, like so:

Go to selections>>invert selection to invert the selection. Then paint the selection white. You should have this:

Next, I used this light effect made by colorfilter:

But set it to grayscale:

Copy and paste the new grayscale image onto the icon and set it to screen. Then merge layers. You should now have this:

Next, duplicate the layer, add the same aged newspaper effect again [with the layer on overlay] but this time set the opacity on 44. You should have this:

Merge layers. I used this light effect made by _cooler, but set it to grey scale as well:

Copy and paste it on the image and set it to screen. Then duplicate it.

Finally add a 1px sized border around the icon [which then makes the icon 100x100] Make the border a light gray. I'm using #C0C0C0. You should have this:

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!<3 Feedback is appreciated!
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