Watch me go "Baaaaaa"

Oct 04, 2005 12:33

  1. catullus:
    A naughty, naughty Roman who adored the married Lesbia and liked to write a lot of dirty Latin poetry.

    Quid dicam, Gelli, quare rosea ista labella
    hiberna fiant candidiora nive,How do I explain, Gellius, why those rosy lips of yours
    are whiter than the winter snow,
    sic certe est: clamant Victoris rupta miselli
    ilia, et emulso labra notata sero.It certainly is: Victor's balls explode,
    and your lips are stained with spunk.
  2. der freischütz:
    The second opera I ever saw (first being a rather blah performance of Gounod's Faust). Accessible, quite lovely German Romantic opera. Weber really does deserve to be put on more often (and not just because Puccini makes my teeth grind).

    On a similar note, Tom Waits and Bill Burroughs put together a musical adaptation/update of Freischütz, called The Black Rider, a sort of odd little fusion between beat, Brecht and, well, Waits.
  3. evelyn waugh:
    I first read The Loved One when I was, I believe, sixteen. Biting, cynical, hysterically dark. And I absolutely adored it. This novel and Irving's Hotel New Hampshire probably permanently warped my teenage years.
  4. hallucinogens:
  5. julian jaynes:
    Back when I was doing research on the perception, influence and the "Voice of God" for Genome, I came upon The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind and its claims of human consciousness only coming into existence three millenia ago. It's an interesting concept of how we shaped and created "God" from our unconscious. Amusingly tinhat, but not as wacky as say, Holy Blood, Holy Grail.

    Proved useful to the story, so it's all good.
  6. miranda richardson:
    (or, "I once dreamed I was a little sausage roll")

    I don't care if you were in The Crying Game or angy and naked with Jeremy Irons in Damage or Rita Skeeter. You'll always be Queenie to me.
  7. piercings:
    Had two. One afternoon the entire crew of our motorcycle shop went out and got pierced. The guys had their tongues done, I got my left nipple pierced and YEEEEOUCH! A few years later, I also had a barbell shoved through my tongue.
  8. ryo saeba:
    No one who's never heard of City Hunter will even know this one. He's the hero of a comic that came out in Shounen Jumps of the late 80's. The hard-boiled detective/city sweeper of Shinjuku (which, really, if you've been to Shinjuku, you'd be all, "ahahahahahaha...riiiiight"), who's known for two things: 1) dead-aim with his Colt Python and 2) his massive erection ("mokkori!").
  9. tattoos:
    Got mine as a 20th birthday present, a wolf over my left shoulder blade. While jabbing the needle into the same nerves for three hours, the tattoo artist remarked, "You're hardly bleeding. It's like tattooing a corpse."
  10. 林青霞:
    Thirteen years ago. A photoshoot in Taiwan, promoting Swordsman II. Brigitte Lin walked in and everybody looked. That's how much presence she has. Plus, she's hot.

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