fun quizzes !

Mar 09, 2005 20:21

Take the quiz: "What Type of Flirt are You?"

Silly Flirt
So, did you hear the one about the funny flirt? You probably have, because it's you! Being a Silly Flirt, you know that laughter is often the quickest way to someone's heart. Your conversations with potentials are always peppered with the latest jokes and catchphrases, and you'll do anything including humiliating yourself to get the object of your affection to crack a smile. Just make sure that your quest for yuks doesn't blind you to other flirting approaches. You don't want to be stuck in pal purgatory. Sometimes a soft brush on the arm or a lingering look wins more points than even the funniest story. We're not saying you need to jum

Take the quiz: "What should ur nickname be?"

DUDE pass it along lol jk whats up person u been stoned for days probally and u dont even know why u are here or what u are doing!!!


Which Mean Girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "Which guy is perfect for you (teen)"

Jesse Mccartney
Your perfect guy is Jesse, sweet and funny.. go girl!


Take the quiz: "WHAT MOVIE ARE YOU ?? (4 GIRLS)"

Secret Window
Your cryptic, yet that's what makes you intriguing. You have a mixed personality and your always up for adventure.

You Are a Drama Queen (or King)

(You are more dramatic than 60% of the population.)

And the oscar goes to... you!

You're all about overreacting and just plain acting.

You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance.

And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times...

Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little.

(But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!)

Are You a Drama Queen (or King)?

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