May 07, 2004 22:01
today i went over jackos and we made 2 videos the walmart hoes where we were both hoes that worked at walmart der! Kieran was taping us and then owen was my son that i had when i was fourteen and jackie was also a pregant teen but she had an abortion that one was the funniest shit ever than we decided to make our own version of the real world except it was jap vs. skater the story of two complete opposites living under one roof. I was tiffany the jap from bellmore new york and jackie was the skater from san jose california it was much fun but then the battery ran out. and then kieran got into a fight with jackie then he spilled the coolata on the rug. Kaos in the hood.then we had mcdaonalds and then i left. Then jackie calls me telling me that she is watching the texas chainsaw massacre and that the girl in the movie just shot herself in the head and i was like okay how peaceful. Then at like 7:30 i went to blairs and we went on her trampoline and we took picture and made videos with her camera. Then we got tapes and listened to sing alongs and we acted out the minnie and me vacation tape. Also blair stepped in her dogs poop it was so funny that was definetly the highlight of my day. Then we went into her basement and we watched a spice girl tape and went on the computer. And had a snack then jackie called me again and she said that it wasso cary and then i was like then why the fuck did you watch it and now this is my new favorite song willy a be wallaby woo an elephant said on u willy b wally b wustin an elephant sat on justin willy b wally b willy an elepant sat on jilly willy b wally b wue an elephant sat on sue blair did a dance to that song. also with the minnie me one it was like i was so excited she almost popped the polka dots right off her dress! then we made a spice girls video. and did u know that then van daan real name is really the van pels or sometin like that. also we went to fortunuffs which i cant spell and we got my mom a gift. well thank u evry1 for such a dandy day. PAYCE!