Sep 01, 2004 16:03
Hey Dollfaces,
Meh I had to get up at 6:00 this morning.. I am soo tired. Meh ya so we drove to Salem to get the lottery check We went to cash it but are retarted bank is putting it on hold for two weeks! whuch is soo fucking stupid, because not only cant we not put an offer on a new house, but our house payment is most likely going to bounce so it is lame. My mom is pretty angry. Hmm I went to giutar lessons last night and got stood up. lol. I think hes getting back at us for missing soo many. haha. I got NO classes with anyone which is lame. Though I do have two classes with Roxanne and one with Allie. I think Iam going to get school supplies tommorow. woot woot.I think my grandma is going to take me shopping for clothes because I only have one pair of pants, lol. Soooo here are my classes for those of you who are interested:
2.English- Sawyer
3.Wld St+ Fm Hl- Smith
5.Bio/Genetics- Dean
6.Advanced Draw/Paint- Zinkand
woot woot. Ya, I dont remember signing up for genetics....oh well. I have to bust my ass this year because if I get good enough grades I get a kitty ^_^. yay. I doubt I will get good enough grades because I NEVER do homework, which is retarted. Yay for someone coming to look at our house tommorow. I hope they buy it. That would make my life. But maybe not..if we moved into that one house that my mom likes because I would have to get rid of almost all my stuff. Oh well. I guess I am just excited to move. well Im done.
with love,