Nov 12, 2008 09:16
Even if you never comment on my journal (which is not difficult seeing as I hardly get comments), please feel free to fill this out if you are a tea or a Snapple fan. It would be very helpful. I am collecting marketing data for a project.
1. How old are you?
2. Are you female or male?
3. What is your lifestyle? (i.e. do you work full time, go to school full time, work part time, stay at home parent or wife)
4. Do you like iced tea? Why or why not? If not, do you enjoy hot tea?
5. Are you familiar with the Snapple brand? If so, what are your experiences with this brand? Do you enjoy their products? What are your favorite products made by them? Do you know about their new iced tea line?
6. Do you like iced tea? If so, why?
7. If you are an iced tea drinker, are you more likely to make your own iced tea, buy it from a coffee shop, or purchase it in a bottle?
8. If you buy iced tea in a bottle, what brand do you typically buy and why?