
Dec 14, 2004 00:58

=*( am I really so uninteresting that no one (other than the 2 people who know who they are) cares to go out of their way to talk to or be around me. I swear I can't be that bad.

I may not be flashy or "the life of the party" but I'm a loyal person. I've come to the conclusion that people don't want friends who are dependable, stable people because thats not exciting, and it makes them feel bad about being such shitty people. Individuals could assume that I am an elitist. Have fun. I keep hearing that. If being an elitist is calling people on the shit they pull 24/7 and get away with while living in their selfish universe well then stamp my forehead and sign me up for the T shirt.

When I picked up Mark Essay in wherever the fuck, Oregon from his predicament, I did it because I would want someone to do it for me. I didn't do it for a "reward" because I didn't get shit out of the deal. Hell, he wasn't even my friend anymore at the time. I drove 4 hours for the kid who didn't even call me on my birthday and when he found out the day after, he said we would hang out and never returned my calls or messages. So much for a year and a half.

It breaks my fucking heart that no one appreciates sincerity anymore. Every action and every word is taken with a jaded, half-hearted guess. Every one has fucked each other over so badly that the world's next generation is already distrustful and self loathing. No one can imagine an individual who genuinely cares about others (even people they don't like) in this "incredible" society we live in.

This may come off as a cliche as fuck rant but I don't care. I'm sick of hiding behind my random humor and I'm fucking sick of being written off by the people who supposedly love to be around me yet never are. Too bad no one reads this anyways.

Thanks Hollie for being someone who has loved me over 4 hours distance and dared to dream about a life with me. You are the most wonderful person I could ever hope for.

Thanks Michelle, you're my only true friend.

And that's all I've got.
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