Jan 22, 2005 12:48
Post your completely honest opinion of me as a comment to this entry.
Please post anonymously, and don't feel afraid to say whatever. I want you to be brutally and completely honest. Write as much or as little as you want, but if you're reading this, I want you to comment. Once you're done, put this in your own journal.
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You have frim morals and you don't care if people don't accept you...and why not? that's life.
YOu can be a little inconsiderant at times, but that diesn't mean run off and make sure you only think about all others and all others' needs... it is more important to be SELF-considerant rather than IN-considerant... if that makes sense...
When life give you lemons, make lemonade.... that's just not the way you work.... it's like the way I heard you say it that you got from whatsherface "When life gives you lemons through them at someone"
Hope you're still my *cough*best*cough* friend in 20 years...
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