(no subject)

Oct 06, 2004 19:06

skool is so damn boring! theres like...no point. i dont learn nething. i dont even listen nemore. lol. thass not a good thing @ all. the only thing i pay attention to...is the people i talk to. the only reason i go to skool is to see other people there. *shrug* only 4 more years. lol.

omfg. noah bought his ticket....today. not mine. im ganna tell him ill juss see him there. this is so fuckin gay! hes NOT pickin me up...hes NOT buyin my ticket...and hes NOT takin me out ta eat. im goin alone...thass that. ok...ill tell him tomorrow morning...and ill tell him ill dance witt him, so he doesnt get all...sadish.

we got our swim stuff today!!! woot woot! its coool. our shirts are black...and on the back they say "real athletes swim...the rest play games" lol. and i got pants...and a jacket...and a bag. *nod* i hardly saw pj today tho. =/ he came to practice late...and i left practice early. lol. all well.

i went to skit night. it was funny i guess. it was so stupid tho! lol. noah was a candle!!! he was so cute! lol.

damnit! pj has a meet tomorrow. so i wont get to see him! :,( thass 2 days in a row!!! *sob* all well. i get to see him friday...andsat.

ok...i have alotta homework that i should do. lol. im ganna go dothat...cuz im prolly failing that class right now. *sob*
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