May 30, 2005 21:49
just so you all know, my corn bath was very nice, but i had to race to shave my legs and well...............thats gonna leave a mark....
i stole this survey from emily:
i n f o r m a t i o n
1. name: Laura Lefebvre
2. single or taken: Single
3. sex: Female
4. birthday: June 8,1990
6. siblings: two older brothers
7. hair color: ugly blonde
8. eye color: i do not know i think hazel
9. shoe size: varies from 8 1/2 - 9 1/2
10. height: About 5'9"
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: Emily is my best best friend, but almost all my friends are my best friends
2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: VONSIGNMENT SHOPPING!!!!!!!
2. any tattoos or piercings: My ears are pierced, and I wanna pierce my stomach, but i will probably have to wait until i am 18
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: eww no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: um right now i switch every week from johnson's baby, vive citrus blend and pert plus
3. what are you most scared of?: snakes, and of course tragedy like death or fire
5. who is the last person that called you?: rhiann
6. where do you want to get married?: i do not know,depends on the dude
7. how many buddies are online right now?: well, 6, but most are not my fuddy buddies
8. what would you change about yourself?: uh.....a LOT.
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: Turquoise,Pink,Black and White
2. food: LOBSTER!!!
3. boys names:Jack,Colin,Ethan
4. girls names: Maggie,Lucy,Phoebe alot more
5. subjects in school: LUNCH!!
6. animals: I love all animals,especially fuzzy ones (not snakes)
7. sports: to play:swim,tennis,soccer to watch:football,baseball (pats and redsox!!!)
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: NO!!!
2. smoked?: hell no
3. bungee jumped?: rub it in why don't cha
4. made yourself throw up?: well, when i was 3, ben started coughing so i tried to cough like he was and i threw up
5. skinny dipped?: would'nt you like to know (sick bastard)PS:i live next to a lake
6: ever been in love?: mebe
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: mhmm
8. pictured your crush naked?: you wish sick bastard)
9. actually seen your crush naked?: (sick bastard)
10. cried when someone died?: i always cry when people or animals die
11. lied: no(PS i'm lying right now)
12. fallen for your best friend?: (sick bastard)
13. been rejected?: i can't remember any time when i have had a crush and NOT been rejected
14. rejected someone?: Yes, feels like crap
15. used someone?: if i have,its only for food, and possibly a hot older bro hehe jk
16. done something you regret?: are you honestly asking LAURA LEFEBVRE if she has regretted something, thats like asking a chocolate chip if its ever turned brown
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: 4
of hearts i have broken: 1
of guys ive kissed: 3
of girls ive kissed: hahaha
of continents you've been to?: One, damn u rhi
of tight friends: ton
of cds i own: 24
of scars on my body: