(no subject)

Jul 23, 2005 16:38

So surveys are like the only thing I do when I'm at work, eh?

5 Senses Survey:


1% : what color are your eyes: blue
2% : what color were they when you were born: blue
3% : what color are your lashes: dark brown
4% : do you have bigger pupils than others or smaller: pretty medium I'd say
5% : have you ever counted the number of times you blink in a second: I'd never had any interest in doing so
6% : do you wear contacts: nope
7% : do you wear glasses: nope
8% : did you ever have eye surgery: nope
9% : what was the last thing that poked you in the eye: okay, this sounds gross but dried nail polish. I was picking it off and some flew in my eye.
10% : can you touch your eyes without finching or does it just gross you out: I do all the time
11% : how often do you look into people's eyes when you talk: almost always
12% : what's your favorite eye color: greenish blue
13% : do you ever just go up to someone and look into their eyes because you want to know their eye color: yeah
14% : do you wear sunglasses often: nope
15% : what eye color do you wish you had: I wish my eyes were more turquoise\
16% : can you cross your eyes: oui
17% : do you roll your eyes constantly: I used to a lot when I was a "rebellious" teen but I've stopped
18% : what's your favorite color: blue
19% : what's the prettiest season and why: spring because of the flowers (duh)
20% : who's the hottest or cutest person you ever saw: don't know?
21% : what was the last thing you read (bookwise): Harry Potts
22% : who was the last person you wanted to see: ma mere because she's picking me up and bringing goodies
23% : what was the last thing you watched on tv: good question...oh my, I'm ashamed. Okay, so the last thing was "When Playboy ruled the world" on muchmoremusic
24% : do you read the newspaper much: no, not really
25% : do you read magazines much: only when on a plane or boat or any sort of transportation
26% : do you read much in general: I do a lot when working
27% : what's the first thing you see if you look over past your computer: stack of post cards
28% : did you ever see it hailing: yeah
29% : don't you hate it when you have sleep in your eyes (like the crusty crap): you mean when the sadman visits you? Yes, I am five. And yes, I truly hate it especially when you don't know it's there and you walk around and nobody dares to tell you you've got goopers.
30% : close your eyes. (after you read the whole question, dumbie) are there lights still in your lids with the dark? yes
31% : can you sleep with a light on: nope
32% : how light is it outside: pretty damn light, it's super sunny
33% : can you roll your eyes into the back of your head: yeah...*cough*


1% : do you like your ears: never thought about them in a like or dislike kind of way
2% : do have them pierced: only one in each hole
3% : how many times: I already said..
4% : what's your favorite sound: coffee brewing
5% : what's the worst noise in the world: people making noise when they eat
6% : are you listening to any music: just the stupid busker
7% : what do you hear around you: the stupid busker and random people talking
8% : what's your favorite song: don't have just one
9% : can you wiggle your ears: nope
10% : when was the last night you stuck your fingers in your ears so you couldn't hear something and why: I don't know if this counts but I pushed my ear buds more into my ear because I couldn't hear the song
11% : do your ears have attached lopes or unattached: how can they be unattached?
12% : do your ears get red when your embarassed or any other emotion roars through your body: no, just my cheeks
13% : what was the last thing someone said to you: "how many dimes do you have?"-Marilyn
14% : is it annoying to get that ringing noise in there: no, I truly love it (as if)
15% : do you hear voices in your head: no, do you?
16% : what was the last thing you heard that you rather you didn't: hmm, can't remember
17% : what was the last thing you wanted to hear, but never heard it: can't think
18% : what was the last piece of advice you were given: "calling out Grandma kind of embrasses me so it would be best if you call her Lucy"-Joe (is that advice?)
19% : did you ever put a rubber band around your ear: most likely
20% : go and open the door to outside and what's the first thing you hear: I can't leave the store but I assume I'll hear the busker (plus our doors are already open)


1% : do you ever stop talking: according to some people, no
2% : who did you talk to last: Marilyn...wait no, I said "hi" to a costumer
3% : what was the last thing you said: "hi"
4% : did you brush your teeth today: yeah
5% : how many times to you usually: do you mean 'do you'? Anyway, it's twice a day
6% : who are you talking with now: I'm not, I'm typing
7% : who do you wish you were talking to: Kurt Cobain
8% : who was the last person to call you: ma mere
9% : who was the last person you called: mon house
10% : who was the last person to IM you: Nicole
11% : who was the last person you IMed: Mike
12% : do you talk to yourself: I try not to, scares away the costumers
13% : do you mind: doesn't bother me
14% : what was the stupidest thing you said in the past 48 hours: say stupid things? Never! *cough* *cough*
15% : do you sing: when nobody can hear me
16% : do you sing in the shower: at times
17% : do you sing in public: nope
18% : do you hum or sing while walking down the halls? (applies to students): applies to students! DUH! Anyway, I do hum sometimes
19% : are you outspoken: not really
20% : are you opinionated: when it comes to meat and such
21% : do you speak your mind: at times
22% : how often do people tell you to shut up, jokingly or not: quite a lot. Steph, remember when Yee spazed and was like "shut up, lucy!" even though I just asked him a question. Lardass
23% : are you a public speaker type: nope, I stutter
24% : do you stutter: hahahha, like I said, I stutter when I get nervous
25% : how many languages do you speak: deux, francais et anglais
26% : how often do you scream: a lot when I'm in a ditsy mood
27% : are you loud or quiet: depends who I'm with
28% : does your mouth reflect your personality on the inside: maybe...?
29% : who has the coolest/sweetest voice: I like Adam's voice
30% : how do you get your voice heard and ideas out: by speaking them
31% : do you often write letters: not often at all
32% : what was the last song you sung to: my cat
33% : what's your usual greeting to a friend: "hey"?
34% : what's your usual greeting to an adult: "hello" (these are exciting questions)
35% : what's your usually greeting on the phone: "good afternoon, blackberry books" (it's what I say the most)
36% : what's your favorite food: mini donuts or croissants from la baguette
37% : what's your favorite gum: navy blue excel
38% : what's your favortie word: fab
39% : what's your favorite drink: strawberry original from orange julius
40% : is your tongue pierced: nope
41% : do you like tongue piercings: not on myself but on some people
42% : how about lip piercings: I think they're cool on the right person
43% : ever have braces, how long: nope but I should
44% : do you have a retainer, for how long: I used to for about...a year?
45% : can you curl your tongue: nope
46% : can you whistle, on inhale or exhale: nope...
47% : do you grind your teeth: by accident
48% : did you have your first kiss yet and with who: yes, with Brian
49% : did you ever french: yep
50% : how many people have you ever kissed, cheek or lips: 4
51% : off the kissing subject already... did you ever have a filling: yeah
52% : if so, how many: don't know
53% : how many cavities: don't know
54% : are you a lipgloss addict: used to be but I got off it
55% : how about chapstick: nope
56% : do you like the dentist: who does?
57% : do you have all four wisdom teeth: oui
58% : ever have any teeth pulled: once
59% : how about a root canal: nope
60% : go to a mirror and count how many teeth you have: f-u, I'm far too lazy
61% : did you lose all your baby teeth yet: yeah
62% : if not, how many to go:
63% : what was the last thing you ate: a chocolate covered almond like 2 seconds ago
64% : current taste: almond
65% : do you bite: excuse me? Bite what?
66% : how often do you snap at people: umm, in my head, too many times to count
67% : are your teeth straight: nope
68% : can you flip you tongue over:oui
69% : can you snap your tongue really loud: people can do that??
70% : can you pop your lips: kind of


1% : is your nose pierced: no, but I kind of want it to be
2% : do you like pierced noses: yes
3% : current scent: smells like new books
4% : no coke sniffing, right: hardy har
5% : what about pixi stix up the nose ever: don't think so...
6% : do you hold your nose to swim: no, pansies
7% : can you flare your nostrils: nope
8% : do you have freckles on the bridge of your nose: very lightly
9% : do you think your nose is big or small: huge
10% : do you pick it sometimes? (be honest): oh god, do you ever get it where there's a bit of dried...snot (come right out and say it) and you just want it to piss off!? GAh!
11% : do you push your nose to keep your balance: haha, I should because it's massive
12% : what's the worst scent: b.o.
13% : what's the best scent: carnations or those type of lillies that I forget the name of
14% : what deodorent do you use: don't know what it's called but it's light purple (the outside)
15% : what's your favorite cologne: cologne as in for guys? My fav perfume is "Emilie" from a perfumerie in France
16% : what's your favorite perfume: oops.
17% : what do you use: I used to use Emilie but I lost my bottle
18% : does scent matter in the opposite sex (not as in they shower or not but their cologne or perfume): not really
19% : do you blow your nose in public: I try really hard not to
20% : look around. find a random thing and and smell it. describe it's scent. and then say what it was: so I chose the shoulder of my shirt and it smelt like my laundry soap (shocker).


1% : what does you keyboard feel like: like any old keyboard?
2% : what's the best feeling in the world (emotionally): just having the best time with a group of friends
3% : what's the best feeling in the world (physically): a baby seal's fur
4% : what's the worst feeling in the world (emotionally): feeling left out or unwanted
5% : what's the worst feeling in the world (physically): something that hurts?
6% : what do your feet feel like at the moment: my neck hurts
7% : what do you hands feel like at the moment: dry
8% : what does your head feel like at the moment: like a head?
9% : what does your bladder feel like, especially after this: well, I almost have to pee
10% : what do your legs feel like at the moment: they hurt from standing for so long
11% : what do your shoulders and arms feel like at the moment: like arms
12% : what does your butt feel like at the moment: soar
13% : what does your neck feel like at the moment: very soar
14% : are you cold: I'm perfect
15% : are you comfortable: nope
16% : where are you: at the store
17% : who was the last person you hugged: ma mere
18% : who was the last person that pushed you: mon brother
19% : who was the last person that you pushed: mon brother
20% : when was the last time you fell over: hhahaa...Galiano, like every second
21% : does music calm you and your nerves: yes
22% : if not, then what makes you chill: that and tea
23% : what stresses you out: school
24% : when was the last time you touched a doorknob: this morning
25% : do you crack your knuckles: at times
26% : what's your current emotion: uncomfortable
27% : ever think you were in love: every girl does at some point
28% : how many times have you fallen for the opposite sex: too many many times
29% : what's the worst season (in feeling wise of course): fall because school's starting, summer's house and it's not yet winter
30% : how do you feel now, after that long survey: soar
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