Oct 14, 2005 21:36
I was following the trail of the Trihorned Thidwick. He drops chewed pencils to mourn his lost forest, you know. You give him a lucky piece of pine wood, he gives you his longest blue feathers, you see. So I could be a Bluebird of Happiness That Sometimes Is a Parrot.
I followed his pencils and thought I could give him a bundle of quills because they make much more sense. bUt ThE dOoR cLoSeD. tHe PlImPlIeS aNd PiXiEs AnD i HaD a TeA pArTy.
A vErY lOnG tEa PaRtY.
Professor Snape only gave me three days detention when he let me out. He was very helpful.
i Am GlAd I hAd My RaDiShEs. NoW i CaN mAkE mY cOsTuMe!