Dream inc.

Jun 04, 2006 15:00

The other night I had a pretty weird dream and thanks to my wondering mind, and some invisible force, I randomly looked up the meaning of the dream for the heck of it I guess. I'm usually very interested in this since I believe dreams hold some sort of meaning in peoples actual lives but I've never bothered to seriously look up the meaning of my dreams before. This dream on the other hand, I did look up and I found some pretty Interesting results.

Ok, so in my dream I'm at a music store pounding on some drums (I'm no good at this, so obviously I was no good in my dream) and the lady working there was talking to me about the drum set when a bunch of cops walk into the store and they ask the manager if she could spare a couple of minutes becuase they were looking for some guy. After being shown his picture the store manager said that she in fact had seen the boy earlier and that she even had his drum beats recorded (it was a special feature included to the drum set). After the police finished talking to the lady they gave her the boys screen name (why? I don't know) and I got a peek at the paper and from that I realized I knew who they were looking for.

Suddenly something happened outside and all the cops were rushing outside. Of course I did too and when I started to look around, wondering what the big deal was about, I noticed that at the roof of this little boutique stood a boy... With a knife.

This boy also happens to be someone I care a lot about; a best friend you would say.

The entire time I was wondering what I could say to him to make him stop doing this; I tried to yell out anything possible but for some reason I just couldn't. Ok, more like I wanted to but there was something, just something preventing me from doing so.

Whatever so he jumps off the little roof (and if any of you have ever been to the falls in Miami you'll realize what kind of atmosphere I was in) he stars advancing on people and obviously everyone started running away. As did I which is when all the cops started to point their guns at him again, yelling at him to stay in place and blah blah blah all their cop fancy talk. But he was quicker than them, and I was obviously to slow at life and as I jumped into the closes bush near me, he caught my foot. So for like 10 seconds I was trying to crawl into what apeared to be Narnia while I has this really strong hand quie aggressively yanking me out.

As the police began to threatened him, he placed the knife to my foot and started to cut me!

Which is a big deal because I've always been sort of scared of that. I have a bunch of sticky outtie veins on my feet and it seriously looks like I'll bleed to death if any of the veins pop there.

And oh yeah, did I mention I was just barefoot? But then again, when am I not?

So yeah, he's cutting my foot up and I'm getting the biggest feeling in my tummy that this guy is trying to kill me or that he just IS killing me and I'm there, paralyzed for some odd reason, while the entire time I just want to yell at him to stop, that I'm his friend and that he doesn't have to do this. And I just can't.

Of course, I didnt die becuase I woke up after the god knows what slit to my foot. Thankfully my dream wasn't clear enough for me to see the blood or the slits. Essh.

Ok, so that was the dream.
When I was recounting this dream to the boy in question who was killing me, he asked me a question that boggled me.
"Why my foot?"
So I looked up.

I got this information from the A-Z Dream Dictionary.
To dream that you legs are wounded or crippled, signifies a lack of balance, autonomy, or independence in your life. You may be unable or unwilling to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand.

To dream that you have been killed, suggests that your actions are disconnected from your emotions. Alternatively, it refers to drastic changes that are happening in your life.

This dream may also represent a part of you or your life that you wish would leave you alone and stop creating a nuisance. Killing may represent the killing off of old parts of yourself and old habits.

To dream that you are murdered, suggests that some important and significant relationship has been severed and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unused talents.

To dream that you are playing the drums, indicates that you progress through life by your own terms. You are strong willed and stick by the decisions you make.

To see the police in your dream, indicates some failure to perform or to honor obligations and commitments. The police also symbolize structure, rules, and control. A more direct interpretation of seeing the police in your dream forewarns that you should avoid reckless behavior.

To dream that you are wounded by a knife, suggests that you or someone is affected by hurtful remarks or malicious gossip.

And atleast the killing and leg parts made plenty sense to me.
It's been weird lately. Reaaaaal weird.
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