Said and done

Jun 25, 2005 02:19

There are some things a person just doesn't expect. Even if said person is a journalist-and a damn good one-and even despite the...attention-grabbing company they keep sometimes keep. Having a Green Lantern show up on your doorstep and then telling you that you're the only one who can help him is one of those things.

I agreed to do so, obviously. But that doesn't mean I'm completely happy with the idea either. It isn't the personal danger that bothers me-I'm more than used to it-it's the uncertainty. Sinestro may take the bait hook, line and sinker and everything may play out according to plan, but that isn't definite. The lives of other people will be put into danger and the Green Lantern Corps will undoubtedly have their hands full. It only takes a moment, an instant for everything to go wrong.

Then there's the interview itself. I have my questions prepared, I know what lines not to cross and whatnot. It's the reactions of those present that I worry about. If it's one thing that evokes some of the strongest human emotion, it's betrayal. The Parallax incident isn't something that can be-and shouldn't be-sugar-coated. People have a right to know the full truth behind how and why events took place and while this may be the perfect opportunity to "clear the air" by doing just that, it could also lead to a public crucifixion or a witch-hunt in general.

Given what's at stake, neither course of action would be appreciated. But you can't ask people to remove their emotions from the situation-and expect the interview to remain realistic-without seeming like a hypocrite. Being asked-if not to trust-but not to punish Hal Jordan will be a bitter pill to swallow for some. If the Joker decided to apologize for the lives he's ruined and people he's killed, would we rush to accept his apology and try to immerse him back into "normal life" again?

Not that I'm comparing him to the Joker, it takes something more twisted than even Parallax to reach that level of depravity, but the hypothetical circumstances could be considered similar. Forgiveness isn't a particular trait that most people feel they have the luxury to express when they're under the impression they've been wronged and this time will be no exception.

I suppose all that I can right now is go with things as they are. Second-guessing myself isn't productive and it certainly won't make things any easier either.
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