May 18, 2005 21:52
hey so ive been pretty much working and spending/saving my money. i want to buy a laptop but i still have to save for the fall for aveda. if i get in. im sick of being here. i dont want to be here. i dont want to deal with the people anymore. everytime something gets serious i want out. i want to have fun and this isnt working. work is work i basically live that and then come home and live another life. im mostly tired most of the time. i have two shows this weekend for Lia Sophia so hopefully ill get some more bookings off of that. im glad im leaving for the weekend. ny family is making me claustrophobic. maybe in august ill think about moving on for a little while out somewhere anywhere. just for a couple months until i can pick up classes at aveda. everyones graduating and i have so many open houses to go to. i dont know if ill be ready for kassi's senior recital. Later