Jul 11, 2007 17:44
first post from my dorm.
im gonna start writing in this.
ummm harry potter was good.
I have been living in gainesville for almost 2 weeks now.
Amanda and Gina are coming this weekend!!!( our first visitors) im so excited. I should visit all of them in talle soon.
i have a mans fod test tomorrow. It shouldnt be hard, plus einstein notes are good.
marissa goes to sleep late and i do too now lol.
She is cool. We havent gotten into any major arguments yet so thats good.
I like the weekends. A lot of people go out on the weekdays, i havent really yet, it's annoying when you know you hafta wake up for class.
I like my macbook a lot. Cool features.
Yea this entry was pointless.
Hope everyones has been enjoying their summers.
IM me sometime.... heyitzliz24 (i have a sidekick so im always on)
<333 liz