So Pretty much....

Jul 27, 2005 19:41

I have realized over about the past week and a half that things have really changed since about sept last yr. ITs too bad cuz there were some really great times and I miss certain ppl but this is the way life goes, I have also realized that there are very few ppl in this world that anyone not just myself can trust. Its sad when u think u know ppl and are sure their your friends then they turn around and fuk u in the ass, Or just turn out to be something other than what u thought they were. Although I do now know who the ppl I can trust are and there's very very few, But as my mother always told me u only need a couple and will have a couple ppl who will stick by you no matter what and she says thats all I need. "Friends come and go"
Over the past weekend I got to hang out with some amazing women, Sarah your awesome and I love you. We need to have more late night talks u know throwing shit at my window like a lil kid haha I love it, Kimmay you are a great girl and we should definitely hang out more often and thank you for being honest and a good friend, filling me in on shit I obviously had the right to know about, Although it daunted me a bit I'm gettin over it and I know whats true and thats all that matters. People can say whatever they want because honestly I don't care anymore.
As for ppl who think badly of me due to others thats your prospective and whatnot there's nothing I can say or do there, nonetheless everyone is entitled to their own opinions but lets be honest we shouldn't always believe what we hear and sit back and take a good look at who its coming from.
I'm growin tired of bullshit like this, aren't we supposed to grow up and move on from things like gossip and talking shit? I guess not. Its not a nice thing to do to try and bring other ppl down or make other ppl dislike them in anyway, god what has our generation turned into, judging ppl on other ppls thoughts of them, what is this? Aren't we supposed to decide for ourselves who we like and why? Not go on what other ppl think. I dunno maybe thats wishful thinking. I know that I decide for myself based on the person themself and not what others think or say about them. Anyways I'm ranting, sorry but its been on my mind now for awhile.
To all the people who are my true friends and that are there no matter what, thank you for that. I appreciate it. I think the world of the ppl who have and continue to be good to me, and its vise versa I will do the same for you.

I'll leave with this...... Sorry for the ranting and thank for the understanding and yes I am very very GAY!

" No Summer ever repeats itself, Friendships must die, Goodtimes must always and the Years melt people and beloved places away"
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