On being happy and Joyful...

Feb 21, 2006 08:22

Well, David's not going to school because he's in Tennessee... so since he's not going Cortney decided to skip and stay home. Well, she called me and talked me into skipping today too. haha I think it's pretty funny. I really can't believe I let her talk me into it. I feel really bad. Plus I'm like uuuubbbeeerrrr scared that I'll get caught by my dad and I'll get yelled at and get in soo much trouble. :( Oh well... I "Have a headache" haha No but seriously I really do so it's not really a lie. Please pray that I won't get caught. lol Seriously..

Well, since I said I'm starting back on LJ here's my update...

God is amazing. I may have felt kinda far from Him for a week or two but these past two weeks I've really gotten back on track. I love Him so much and I'm so grateful for everything and everyone that He has given me. I've come to the realization that yes, I may have a really bad home life but it's not that bad... at least I'm not being like beat by my parents or something. I have it better than so many people. I have the luxories of DSL & computer anywhere I go, I have satelite, I have food and water and a place to sleep.. why do I sometimes let my brain trick me into thinking I have it so bad? I don't like that about myself...

Also, I think I've taken my friends for granted. Sorry to all of those out there that may read this.. I don't mean to. I just get caught up in other things and seem to treat others like crap sometimes.

Over this Winter Break thing we've had I've been so wonderful. I got to talk to this guy named Jeff from Georgia and he might be coming to our school to speak at Youth For Christ. I still have to talk to Coach Patterson about that though. I hope he can. I feel like he can make a big impact on the kids at school with what he's going to say. I pray that if he does end up coming that he can touch and get through to at least a few people. Hmm... what else have I done while I've had this break...? Well, I got to know my friend Jory better... He's my friend from Maryland. He's really awesome. I have a lot of fun talking to him. I pretty much feel like the biggest weirdo ever though because I am such good friends with him and I've never even met the guy.. but whatever. I can't help it that we got close. haha. I mean if you know me at all, you know I'm completely against talking to people you've never met. I think it's stupid and dangerous and all that junk.. but I guess it's just different when you're the one doing it. lol

Anyways, Like I said before.. God is wonderful. I really can't stress that enough. I wish everyone around me could just understand how they need to be living their life for Him. But everyone thinks, "Oh well, I'm only a teenager... I have the rest of my life to get right with God.." But what if you die tomorrow? What if you aren't where you need to be with Him and you die?? Is all this partying and drinking and sex worth going to hell for???? I don't think it is. I just don't understand people. It's not worth it.. it's really not. I wish I wouldn't have abandoned some of my friends.. I wish I would have been a better Christian person and been there for them and helped them as much as I could.. I should have been more than happy to help.. but no, I wasn't and now I'm paying the price for that. The shame I have on myself is horrible and I can't even believe the opputunity I was given to help them and what did I do??? I just threw it away. If I would have just helped and been a good Christian, this person probably wouldn't be drinking right now and would be in church and praising God. But no, that's not how it is... I screwed up so now they are paying the price for it too. And that's completely wrong. It shouldn't be that way at all. But I guess we learn from our mistakes... I'm not going to do that again.. that's for sure. So, that being said... if anyone needs me, needs prayer, or just wants to talk about anything in their life or how they have messed up or just anything, I'm here. I always will be.. always.

Well, I think this entry is long enough so I'll stop for today. I doubt anyone will even read this far down anyways. lol I hope they do though.. even if I was just rambling on and on, all this did have meaning and a purpose.

I love you guys so much!
God Bless & Take Care!
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