(no subject)

Sep 18, 2006 10:47

Now that I'm settled with classes, etc, I thought you all deserved an update.

I haven't really been branching out and meeting new people. I've been letting other people do it for me. That is, I'll hang out with Steve and his new friends, or Mark's room/hallmates, or Igor and his friends, or my roommate and her friends, and while I'm friendly with their new friends, I haven't really made new friends of my own.

My hall SUCKS. The girls aren't social at all. I mean, they are social, they have their doors open sometimes and have people over, but they're very unapprotable and uninviting. I haven't met my next door neighbors yet. Actually, I met one of them at dinner with my RA, but I haven't met the other 3. And usually people hang out with their neighbors...we don't talk to ours. So I hang out in other people's halls where they're friendlier. Like first Reeves (where my roommate basically lives now), they hang out in the HALL and they play sports in their hall. My RA is trying so hard to make us friends with each other, like she put a boombox in the bathroom so we can have shower sing-a-longs, but our hall isn't close, at all, and I feel like I'm missing out on something.

I see people from North/Andover/BBYO EVERYWHERE I go. It's crazy. I was talking to...someone, and he said "I can't go to class without seeing someone I know." and i said "I can't go to class without seeing 5 people I know." I saw my cousin (not Mike, an older one) while I was hiding from the cops the other night. That was amusing.

Amazingly, with this anti-social thing, I haven't had any issues finding boys. mmmboys. There's boys above, below, and next to me (not nextdoor, but the hall over) and they're all very friendly and nice. I really like the guys on my floor and the ones below me. Only hooked up with one boy from there, though. Hm.

I really like my classes. Spanish and English are fairly easy, and Women's Studies is a bit more work (it's a 200 level survey course), but I find it really interesting. It puts a new perspective on everything in the world. I really, really like the kids in my Spanish class, and one of the girls on my hall is in English, but we don't really talk...but she's cute and I'd like to be friends with her. Meh. Girls suck.

I'm also doing research for credit, which is why I only have 3 classes. That hasn't started yet, but I should have an interview coming up soon. I should also probably email some more profs just in case. We have a seminar every Wednesday (soon to be every other) and there's 40 people in our group. I met a really cool guy there and he's in my dorm, so that's pretty sweet. We spent the entire seminar last week cracking up and my PA got a little pissed. But he facebooked her (which is one reason why we were laughing), so I guess they have to be cool.

I signed up for a bunch of clubs, but none of them have really started yet. Yea..

I really have nothing more to say. I guess I should take a shower and get lunch and go to class or something....
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