B-day = Blahday?

Dec 22, 2004 17:39

So, tomorrow I turn 21 *bops and falls over*

A while ago I posted about not feeling good and how we thought it was withdraw.

It lasted for two months even after I went back on my meds. What I didn't update with was that my mom was starting to think it was thrush, because my aunt gets thrush all the time and my symptoms matched hers when she has it. It can be treated, but my doctor said (it wasn't my normal doctor) only people with aids got fungal infections (which thrush is) That is total bullshit, she took a sample for tests though. But, untreated, thrush can go away and seem like it's gone, then come back. Most of the symptoms are coming back.

Note: Thrush is an infection of the mouth/esophagus/stomach.
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