Jul 15, 2006 11:54
ok yersterday i worked out (lower body)
did squats and lunges.......GUESS WHAT?!
MY LEGS GAVE OUT! TOTALLY AND I FEL TO THE GROUND.....after that i quit and i was so incredibly weak i couldnt walk fast or go up or down stairs! or change my pants....
i was really depressed....i felt weak......that is a fear of mine...to be weak....i love being strong and showing it off...lol but lastnight i could only do 10lbs on leg extensions..... :'(
zach and i went and saw Pirates 2!!!!!!! i loved it!!!!!!! wen we got home it was so incredibly fun!!! lol we were throwing my socks at eachother and into the fan!!!! lol we were practically crying!!! lol <3 <3 <3
then i had to leave........lol
this morning i had to work.....ow!!!!!
my legs are getting more and more sore as the day goes on!!!!......but i can handle it!!! it should be a little better tomrrow.....i get a break from working out tomorrow....but then again i also have to work......