May 25, 2005 21:50
good day:
intro- natalie and i werent fast enough to get a computer in the lab so we go to go to our own special own =) wrote about all our many skills on our fake resume....nats gonna be a PR assistint>>>>qualifying certifications=boating license.
english- link crew ! woo hooo. had kip and some other girl. we watched a movie and than got in groups and wrote top 10 advice for incoming freshman. im in honors english all the brainiacs werent speaking up so i just said "find older boys to drive you around" i didnt think it was a big deal but Kip was just HORRIFIED and went into a big speech about how if you do that you will never get ask to prom and will loose friends and blah blah blah. than no one else said anything... i told him everyone was afraid of him shooting down their ideas. hah...kips such a good student body prezzzz but teddy willl be BETTER!
science- kelly and i drew on my planner. ate louis's sprees. didnt learn a thingggg. and ms tamlyn fantisizes about louis on top of her (worksheet...number 2..yeah...sick...)
spanish- ms foster went COMPLETELY psycho. she was literally screaming at the top of her lungs....and for everyone who knows ms foster she really is a complete freeak so it was just funny and pretty pathetic. shes like almost in tears and screams about how we think disrupting the class is so funny but we are so NOT funny and could never get a job n saturday night live...yeah..hmmm
lunch- pasta day YESSSsss
math- enough said...
health- had a quiz on birth control. had a sub so we all cheated it was funny and oh those pictures were sort of emily..THE SPONGE!!!!