Guide to maintaining a reasonably calm Lillian

Nov 20, 2004 09:03

It's too early and I can't get back to sleep. So...I decided to make a list of most (since I could never fit them all in one entry) of my pet peeves ( Read more... )

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theredcomet November 20 2004, 10:41:04 UTC
-customers who disregard my opinions at work because I have a vagina and couldn't possibly know a thing about video games.
-when I'm standing next to one of my male co-workers and a customer asks him a question that he doesn't know, I respond with the correct answer and the customer looks to my male co-worker for confirmation (or in some instances, doesn't even glance at me and thanks my co-worker for the info)

I'm sure I don't have to tell you this, but the average gamer is a socially inept, reclusive fish out of water when they (rarely) walk outside. Only in video game stores, comic shops, and conventions do they feel compelled to come out of their shell, where people go from thinking they're shy loners to realizing they're just socially inept jerks. A good example would be one time when I was hanging out in my friend's multimedia class, in a discussion about anime I was cast out like a pariah for saying I didn't like Neon Genesis Evangelion. I was immediately charged with "not understanding it", becuase as every nerd knows if someone has a different opinion that means they're wrong.


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