WELL. I must say with everything that's going on around school, you people need to cheer up a bit. All this talk about someone that's gonna get killed, the pressure of N.E.W.T.s and O.W.L.s... something, or rather, someone, needs to take your mind off the stress... do something fun for a change.
So, I, Lil Moon, decided to make a list. A list of people. To be more specific, a list of the most attractive people in Hogwarts. The List consists of my top 5 from both genders (I am straight, but open minded). The people are in no particular order and were carefully selected after years of observation.
Oh and when you are done reading, feel free to make a list of your own, you know you want to.
Here it is folks, for your stress-less entertainment:
Professor Lupin.... I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one that had a thing for him 3rd year.
Ronald Weasley ..... It's the red hair, c'mon... Hermione knows what I'm talking about.
Draco Malfoy .... Blondes aren't bad either.
Terry Boot .... Those Ravenclaw boys, can't resist them really...
Harry Potter... There's just something about those strong, silent types...
( Number 5.5... SEAMUS FINNIGAN.....because ITS SEAMUS.)
Jennifer Moon .... What can I say? Superior genes.
Kris D'Angelo (and everyone in my dorm).... Come on, ain't nothing hotter than a Gryffindor woman.
Professor Vector... Admit it, that woman is gorgeous.
Susan Bones ... Hufflepuff's sexiest.
Mandy Brocklehurst.... Smart AND hot...