Sep 21, 2005 22:08
"There are so many things that we all do (or have done) not really for ourselves, but because it is the norm, or what our parents want, or what our friends think is cool. Everyone is guilty of this at some point, but the only way to ever feel like your own person is if you push those things aside and live life the way you want to live it. Not everyone knows what they want out of life at 16, 18, 21, 23, or even 30, but you have to keep searching for the things that will make you happy. No two people are exactly alike so what is right for one person, may not be right for you. I have struggled with this my entire adult life and I've come to realize that in the end, the only person who really has to live with the choices you make is you. "
i am so jealous of everyone who knows what they want to do with their lives. i want to know too. i want to know what i'm going to for the rest of my life. i'm tired of people asking and saying "i don't know" or "undeclared"
"i want to skip all this bullshit" me too... me too.
"the options are your worst enemy...."
"'theres nothing more tragic that wasted potential'
i wish there was a doctor i could pay to get that out of my head.
'well what makes you happy?'
i wish it was that simple."
i wish it was that simple.
the clock is ticking away...