Aug 22, 2004 16:15
on a day not to long ago (friday) a teenage girl went to the new book store that opened up not too far from her home. She walked and went straight to the biography section. She picked up every book and fliped through the pages wondering what was in store for her future. Would she grow up to be a successful buisness woman? Would she die of an OD? or would she grow up doing what she loves? All she wanted was to grow up.
After she left the book store she drove an hour and a half to her old neighborhood and spent hours with the two boys she knew before she started grade school. She sat on their couch and thought of her childhood and the endless hours of giggles. She then decided she didn't want to grow up at all... she just wanted to be a small girl once again.
On the way home she sat in the passenger seat looking up at the stars and her feet on the dash. The cool breeze kissed her face and ran through her hair. She had her favorite Cd playing and she sang along. This is when she realized that right now is just fine.
yep, today is just fine.