Hello from the tadpole-shaped island of Corregidor ... which is where I'll be spending my 26th birthday! d^_~b It'll be crazy interesting as we have an event at work that day, and I heard a certain writer's coming to town. v^.~v
(I just realised I look like Medusa in this photo. XD;;; Sorry if I scared anyone.)
The past three months have been nothing short of stressful and tiring, but they have also been great learning experiences for me. Now if only the internet would work whenever I am in my office and the universe gave me just a quid more of pesos on my bank account, my birth month would be just this short of perfection. X3
Also, some of you know this already, but I'm going to be spending time with
interploy during my vacation! ^________________^ ♥ Ah, all this running around is gonna be worth it, I can tell.
Anyways, until then, see you around! :P