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Sep 24, 2008 12:16

US military plans the future as ‘perpetual warfare’

"The US military sees the next 30 to 40 years as involving a state of continuous war against ideologically-motivated terrorists and competing with Russia and China for natural resources and markets..."

"Under the auspices of the US department of defence and department of the army, the US military have just published a document entitled 2008 Army Modernization Strategy which makes for interesting reading against the current backdrop of deteriorating international fiscal, environmental, energy resource and security crises."

"It goes on to list as a pre-eminent threat to the security of the US and its allies “population growth - especially in less-developed countries - [which] will expose a resulting ‘youth bulge’.”

"It predicts that “21st Century operations will require soldiers to engage among populations and diverse cultures instead of avoiding them”.

"The document states: “Space is a significant area of joint development that supports battle space awareness and is the backbone for the national and military intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance architecture, as well as being the domain of choice for commercial broad-area sensing enterprises with military utility.”

Together with the US Missile Defence Agency, the US military is currently developing “space-based assets continuously monitoring the globe”."

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