((December 20th, following
http://community.livejournal.com/_levicorpus_/301460.html ...open to Lucius, Voldemort, and possibly other DEs.))
Draco still disguised to look like Lacey, hurried away from Sipps and out of Diagon Alley. He apparated to his room at the Riddle House, before changing back into himself. After a few slow breaths, he summoned Kreacher. The ancient house elf appeared before him and bowed. "Kreacher, I need you to bring Mrs. Parkinson here."
"As Master wishes," said Kreacher. The shrunked elf vanished once again, only to reappeared moments later gently holding a large rat.
Draco took her from him gingerly. "Hello, Mrs. Parkinson. You're husband has been restored, so hopefully we can get you set right soon." The rat looked up and twitched her nose. "Thank you, Kreacher. You're dismissed--wait. I need you to convey a message to my father. Tell him that Pansy Parkinson has returned her father to human form, and ask him to gage the Dark Lord's mood for me. If he can tell me how the Dark Lord plan to proceed in this matter all the better."
Draco made a dismissive hand gesture, and Kreacher popped off to find Lucius Malfoy.