May 07, 2007 21:18
((November 1st... mid-afternoon))
Draco dropped his disguise before returning to Riddle House. Once there, he took a leisurely strolled down to the dungeons. Liesurely that is to the outside observer. Internally, he was very close to a panic. He was not sure whether to be relieved or more anxious when he didn't find Ginny locked in one of the cells.
He did a round of the rest of the underground layer, stopping in the transmitter room, only to learn that Ginny had left hers off that day. It was getting harder to hide his irritation, but he did it as best he could. He made a mental list of the Death Eaters he saw. It was too soon. If they weren't bringing Ginny here, they had taken her somewhere else, but where? And why?
He went up to the main house and settle into the parlor. He snatched up a compy of the Daily Prophet lying on a side table and looked it over, even though there was no hope of it offering useful clues.