the day starts off good but then it gets worse. ='(

May 06, 2004 13:01

I woke up late today my alarm just never went off so i got to school at like 8:10 it made my day so much better because i really didnt want to work on the math project that we were doing. But i had to anyway it was okay because my group is good its me sammy lauren & matt.

Second period was by far the best! we had a sub and me kasie and brea all sat at a lab table it was amazing. We had an awesome time of course we didnt do any of the work we were just chatting it up. =) then kasie got called down to the office and she thought she was in trouble and she was.  she started a poem for tom and me and brea tried to put some more stuff in it and it was amazing. Kasie got back and we finished it . "WICKY"<-tehe.

And the day goes bad . . .

Third period started off fine but then kretzmer decided to hand out grade sheets well it turns out i went from a B+ to a D. the majarity of the class besides 2 people are either failing or have a D. i guess she just doesnt care how her class does she moves so freakin fast. So i guess ill just take Spanish1 over again next year. My parents are going to kill me that D definitly screwed up my report card. ugh. i officially hate spanish.

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