Yay. I got my Wu ending! :D Even though my playing skill is utter crap and my last battle is totally screwed, I got my ending anyway. It is pathetic because I spent 5 weeks. FIVE weeks just for one ending. /orz WHATEVER, I CONQUERED THE WORLD(or at least er, the two other countries). The ending clip is cute. I want more. But I am not exactly eager to replay yet. I am not even eager to start on the other countries. /orz There is so much more to do in the game, like get more items, more jades, horses/elephants, OR THE BLOODY LEVEL 10 WEAPON DKLSGJSD LU MENG STOP DYING. Gwah. I am having fun with the game, but it is somewhat difficult at times. Blah.
I cleaned up my room. Which took forever. Started at 11pm on Friday, worked until 3am, went to sleep with the room in chaos, woke up at 11am, started working again almost immediate, and finished at 5pm. My god, how bloody messy is my room, 10 whole freaking hours to clean up. @[]@ /die. I threw away a whole lot of stuff. Probably enough to fill two supermarket trolleys. Stuff like my primary school textbooks and enrichments, some sec1 sec2 stuff, old drawings, clothes which I never wear anymore, newspapers I used to hide in the cardboard for some retarded reason, blah blah. I discovered some amusing stuff too, like this wooden musical instrument, my dad's lost shirt, etc. Freaking amusing. My bookshelf is still overloaded with crap, but other places look suspiciously empty.
Can't find some stuff for chemistry file, found my missing worksheet for physics file though. orz