Jan 23, 2009 04:01
well, I caved and baked chocolate chip cookies. I had no choice, a friend of Victoria's family got us a cookie jar today.
Went to see Last Chance Harvey and the Class today with the Motherlady. Ate far too much popcorn in an attempt to be sure she got her money's worth (we got like 3 refills, I'd say that about covers it, no?). Will be skipping dinner (and lunch and breakfast) as a result.
The Class is a really good film. Very much like being back in school (if everyone at school had spoken French).
Didn't really do anything else with my day off but sleep. Am ok with that, I was tired. Only one open shift this week though. and I finally got my raise this paycheck. The retrograde correction was like $50 on a $0.50 raise so that gives you some idea of how long now they were paying me incorrectly. Will use the money to see East of Berlin next week, I already booked off the cheap day to go when rush seats are only $15.