We had to have Simba put down yesterday, around 1 in the afternoon. His blood test results came in showing complete kidney failure and some liver failure to boot. He had the worst results the vet had ever seen in a living animal, one result was 30 times the normal range; phosphorus which is worrisome at 3.5 was 13 something. There really was nothing to do. The poor boy couldn't even lift his own head, I had to crouch down to say bye. But even though it cost like $700 I'm still glad I took him in to the vet. They stopped his vomiting and re-hydrated him and cleaned him up, all of which made him a bit more comfortable. They also used hot water bottles to keep him warm all night. And mum and Nathan came with to say bye (Jer was already too stressed from needing to take the bus earlier in the day - he doesn't do well with public transit - so he stayed home) so he knew we all loved him.
I feel a tiny bit better today. I think the combination of being physically ill and heartsick like crazy over Simmy was really taking its toll (at work friday I spent half my shift shivering uncontrollably and refusing my boss' offers to leave early) but after we got home from the vets' I zonked out on my dad's couch for hours. Got a better night's sleep last night too - not worrying bout how he was doing anymore probably helped.
He really was an awesome cat, I'll never have another cat like Fatty.