So it has been forever and ever since I posted last. So to start off slow, a meme. Stolen from
crystal_lily 1. Name a movie you have seen more than 10 times.
The Cure. Used to watch it all day on the pirated pay-per-view channels when it was still new.
2. Name a movie you've seen multiple times in the theater.
Once. AWESOME Irish musical.
3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to see a movie.
THERE ARE TOO MANY TO NAME! David Hewlett, Callum Kieth Rennie... why is every name I keep thinking of a) Canadian and b) from TV?
4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to see a movie.
Russell Crowe, though I loved 3:10 to Yuma. (and for that matter Master and Commander and LA Confidential)
5. Name a movie you can and do quote from.
NOTHING, and also lately My Fellow Americans (Hail to the Chief, he's the chief and he needs hailing...)
6. Name a movie musical in which you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs.
Once. It is awesome and I love it. When we had it playing at work I used to risk getting yelled at to duck into the theatre during my break and watch, also when I took bathroom breaks or just if I happened to need to walk past the right theatre.
7. Name a movie you have been known to sing along with.
Lion King. BIG TIME. It was the first cd I ever owned and I memorized the words to the entire thing. Can still sing Just Can't wait to be King from memory even without the music.
8. Name a movie you would recommend everyone see.
Anything Canadian, I love Canadian movies but noone outside of the rabid internet fangirls of the Hewlett or CKR have ever actually heard of any of them.
Also, Once. Because it rocked.
9. Name a movie you own.
10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops.
um, Tricia Helfer. Who knew some models could actually act.
11. Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in?
We used to go every week when I was little
12. Name a movie you keep meaning to see but you just haven't gotten around to yet.
Die Hard 4. (this was Avia's answer but it fits so I'm leaving it)
13. Ever walked out of a movie?
nope, not that I recall.
14. Name a movie that made you cry in the theater.
Um, I don't really cry during movies unless I am already an emotional wreck or I have had very little sleep.
15. Popcorn?
At break, always (who says no to free popcorn) When actually seeing a movie - only if someone else pays.
16. How often do you go to the movies?
to the theatre, like 2 or 3 times a week but that's work. To actually see a movie, every 2 weeks or so though I often see more than one a week (or in the case of tomorrow, more than one a day) yay working at a theatre!
17. What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
I am actually not sure, It may have been Mid Road Gang which I saw at the film festival. Seen 5 minute chunks of Darjeeling Ltd, Vally of Ellah and Into the Wild at work but they don't count.
(remembered - 3:10 to Yuma)
18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of movie?
Is wacky-Canadian a genre?
19. What's the first movie you remember seeing in the theater?
Um, I really don't know - the earliest ticket stub in my collection is from Pocahontas which we saw for my birthday party when I was like 10, but I definitely saw stuff way before that.
20. What movie do you wish you had never seen?
I know there are movies I wished I hadn't seen but am at a loss to think of what any of them were.
21. What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed?
Heehee, Nothing. :D Or Cube. Both, coincidentally, starring David Hewlett. (again, I didn't actually change the answer that was already here)
22. What is the scariest movie you've seen?
um, don't watch scary movies.
23. What is the funniest film you have ever seen?
um, I know I've seen lots of very funny stuff. Anything with Gene Wilder will crack me up everytime, but I think the most I have laughed at anything in recent memory has to be Hot Fuzz which had Vicky and I in hysterics for like an hour after the movie had ended.
I was kinda avoiding LJ last week cause I'm an ep behind on SGA but after my crazy busy long weekend (Canadian thanksgiving) I am having such internet/Vicky withdrawal (as they are the exact same amount of crazy, one can replace the other in my life if necessary, but neither is not good) that I spent the last 3 hours catching up on all parts of my flist that didn't scream SGA spoilers. Also downloading SGA. But I probably won't get a chance to actually watch it anytime soon. Boo. It's my first day off in 6 days and I have to go vote then hang out with the little sister who still hasn't seen the end of season 3 and wouldn't appreciate me forcing her to watch 402. And tomorrow mum and I are going to the movies. Have to see Into the Wild and In The Valley of Ellah incase either one leaves on friday. Though if we do get a new movie it will probably take one of the 2 screens we currently have playing Darjeeling Limited.
Cannot believe how busy the theatre was this weekend, but I guess with the combo of having an exclusive on a popular movie and a long weekend I should've seen it coming. I was actually ok till tuesday when things went back to normal and I became ridiculous tired. Still, made time and a half on monday when I worked almost 9 hours (plus made commission and saved on groceries cause the manager bought us pizza for dinner).
And all the stuff that was bugging me (losing my keys and being locked out for an hour and a half, spending thanksgiving dinner in the apartment stairwell to avoid seeing the last 20 minutes of Chuck, etc) seem to have stopped bothering me either because the internet has a calming effect, or cause you all have way bigger problems than lost keys and you handle them so well I can at least get over having to sleep on the front stoop for a little while.
Anyway, I missed you guys and assuming my work schedule goes back to my usual 2 shifts a week I should be around more. Especially if I can get one of my brothers to take the computer in for repair this week (fingers crossed - I can finally afford to pay for it I think)