May 04, 2006 22:31
So, this time he managed to escape skin-tight jammies turned around backwards that zip from foot to neck. I found him naked and the PJs on the floor - still fully zipped. I don't know how he did it. Next step - straight jacket!
More plans are coming along for the 20-year. I'm not involved in any of the planning and I don't think I like that - no control - and they didn't even ask my stepmother to cater. What's up w/ that?!?!
I spoke w/ my cousin today - haven't spoken to her since 2 years ago last week (Grandfather's funeral). We've been fairly distant for almost the entire last 20 years. Very strange. She's planning to be at the reunion, so perhaps we can catch up then.
Work remains confusing, but at least there is some promise. The next several months are going to be pretty tough!
We're off to Disney next Wed. Looking forward to it - although it's supposed to be in the 90s - eegads!